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Planet Rena with Mars II Star in the background

A "taste" of the stories

Character: Thunder

Thunder's Past

Thunder, aka Leinad Parra, was once called Speed. He got his powers when he was in a car crash and lightning struck him the day of his high school graduation. Since then, he's used his powers for good.
Before his people had to abandon their home planet, Terris, he was its supreme guardian, founding the legion of guardians (like avengers/justice league for this planet). Speed was viewed as the "perfect" hero doing good while staying objectively moral. 

He lived in Xaisalla after immigrating from this planet's Mexico-like country, Quetzalico. At the time, Quetzalico was still considered the most powerful and well-off country in the world, but crime syndicates began taking control of the country and Leinad's family decided to go to Xaisalla City in the Igalicx Union, similar to our United States, because of safety concerns.

For context, the German counterpart in this parallel reality won WWII, but Quetzalico defeated them years later and reorganized world. The continent groups are governed by 4 supernations with a large plot of land called Afrodenland for the counter-Germans who lost WWIII. The meganations are Quetzalico ("culturally similar to" Mexico), Igalicx Union ("" USA), Sola ("" Japan & Portugal), Ylisergo ("" Greece, Italy, Switzerland). Lunis is Terris' only and inhabited moon.

The City of Xaisalla, Igalicx Union, just south of the Samish Gulf, icon on map.
(The year Leinad Parra moved to Xaisalla)

The first independent lunar country also began forming at this time: Luno

The buildup of crime's ecological effect destroyed the atmosphere, so people left to Mars II. Eventually, there would be overpopulation, causing people to leave again and go to another planet, Rena. Technology was developed in order to heat up Mars II to become a star because the solar system Astro was getting too far apart. The impact of this ray made mars lose some mass which would later become its orange, glowing ring.

Speed, superhero with superspeed
, superhero with superspeed running
Igalicx Union
Geography of Planet Terris
Xaisalla City
Xaisalla City at night
Xaisalla City Ariel Pic
Lunis Geography
Luno Flag

Thunder's Present

Now, Thunder is an astrophysicist and lives in Rena, a dystopian, cold, desert planet where he stops at nothing to get what needs to be done, done. He's become a vigilante. Because of this, his connection to the very energy source where he draws his superspeed, the speed-force, is weak. He was able to access another type of speed force found in another dimension. However, this other speed-force corrupts its user over time. He seeks to find a way into other dimensions to prevent his corruption. The small planet of Rena consists of two countries (Dominico, the powerful, and Reigard, the rebels) who share a capital city where Thunder lives. His experiments with this new speed-force created a small hole in spacetime where two more people were struck by red lightning and got powers, Mirage and Shadow, two teenage brothers. Below are images of Rena, country flags, geography of Rena, Capital City, Thunder and Mirage.

Shadow used his powers for crime at the beginning, but then used them for good along with Mirage. Thunder was both of their idols, and tech-savy Mirage found his hideout and old suit he used in Terris, so he took some of the materials and put it on his suit. Thunder would take both of them under his wing. Long story short, they would have a significant disagreement that would eventually lead to Shadow dying and Mirage becoming Thunder's nemesis. Belowis an image of Thunder and Mirage fightning.

Mirage, superhero with super-speed
Thunder, superhero with super-speed
Capital City, Dominico and Reigard, Rena
Planet Rena
Dominico Flag
Reigard Flag
Planet Rena Geography
Thunder and Mirage Speedsters fighting

Thunder's Future

In the future, Mirage and Thunder fight in several different parallel realities and dimensions. It eventually ends with Thunder having to kill Mirage and becoming a rage-consumed being of pure negative speed with a new name: Zo. Zo will eventually fight Noxas, the first super-speed hero I created, on the planet of Jambouis (learn more in the other subpages in this section of the website) and meet his end. Below is the changes Thunder experienced when becoming Zo, the evil god of speed.

Red Thunder evil speedster
Zo Evil Speedster
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