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This is who I am.

Brown Video Portolio

Daniel Soto Parra Science Music Experiences
Daniel Soto Parra Mexico City


My name is Luis Daniel Soto Parra.

I am an aspiring physician and musical artist from Mexico City and Seattle, WA studying at Brown University who's not afraid to dream. This website will provide a glimpse into my persistent efforts to love my community through servant leadership and building bridges. I hope to create a brighter tomorrow for my future family, patients, and everyone around me.

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Daniel Soto Parra Seattle Prep Graduation

My Future

Obviously, it may be difficult for a first-year college student to understand what they truly want in life. But as of Jan '25, I believe that this is what I would want to do with my life, not organized in order of importance. Hopefully this website can provide insight onto how I have worked towards these milestones.

  • Experience giving and receiving love w/self, neighbor, and community leading to fulfillment of myself and others

  • Earn a BA in Medical Anthropology or Human Biology (double major in music) and MD at UW, Brown, Harvard, JH, or other medschool

  • Release album(s) of original pop-adjacent music to (1) provide financial support so that I can support my future family, medical endeavors, and musical endeavors and (2) to bring people together through joy, healing, motivation, and solidarity via music and lyrics.

  • Provide healthcare the US and Latin America (3) it's fun :)

  • Improve healthcare in Latin American communities experiencing financial precarity (Mexico and the DR) w/Dr. Paul Farmer as role model

  • Get married and start a family

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