This is who I am.
Brown Video Portolio

My name is Luis Daniel Soto Parra.
I am an aspiring physician and musical artist from Mexico City and Seattle, WA studying at Brown University who's not afraid to dream. This website will provide a glimpse into my persistent efforts to love my community through servant leadership and building bridges. I hope to create a brighter tomorrow for my future family, patients, and everyone around me.

My Future
Obviously, it may be difficult for a first-year college student to understand what they truly want in life. But as of Jan '25, I believe that this is what I would want to do with my life, not organized in order of importance. Hopefully this website can provide insight onto how I have worked towards these milestones.
Experience giving and receiving love w/self, neighbor, and community leading to fulfillment of myself and others
Earn a BA in Medical Anthropology or Human Biology (double major in music) and MD at UW, Brown, Harvard, JH, or other medschool
Release album(s) of original pop-adjacent music to (1) provide financial support so that I can support my future family, medical endeavors, and musical endeavors and (2) to bring people together through joy, healing, motivation, and solidarity via music and lyrics.
Provide healthcare the US and Latin America (3) it's fun :)
Improve healthcare in Latin American communities experiencing financial precarity (Mexico and the DR) w/Dr. Paul Farmer as role model
Get married and start a family