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Way of Life

The Jambouians' language, religion, government, understanding of the world, and technology.


Jambouian Language

The Jambouian people use a language made of a pheonetic alphabet depicted above. Special sounds include a click (made by suctioning the top of one's mouth with their tongue and releasing it) and a water-droplet sound (made by pushing one's tongue against the front of their mouth while making a whistling shape with their lips. Grammer is similar to English except for the fact that there is a subject-object-verb structure. There are also several other rules, but these are the general ones.

There is also an English dialect of Jambouian, which is the English grammatical and pheonetic alphabet with Jambouian-derived characters, as shown below.


This is a sample paragraph. English is on the left, Jambouian-Dialect English is on the right. This is honestly a pretty cool language. Not gonna lie.

This is a sample paragraph. English is on the left, Jambouian-Dialect English is on the right. This is honestly a pretty cool language. Not gonna lie.

Religion & Calendar

Jambouis Night of Illumination Ceremony at Expa Tree, Ruxus Peak, and the Vesreya Mountain Range
Jambouian Calendar

Welcome to Expanism, the main religion of the Jambouian people.
Expa is the Jambouian word for God. The religion incorporates several aspects from Roman Catholicism and Buddhism, including ritualistic workship and exercises of introspection. Light is an important symbol in the religion, representing divine presence. This is because after every 18 days, there is a 3-day period of eclipse. This phenomenon is known the eclipsic cycle, and it is how the Jambouian calendar measures time (left picture). During this time, the planet is in darkness for two days. On the third, the planet's proto sun radiates light at an abnormal rate, illuminating the ocean below the crust islands. Organisms flourish around the globe with bioluminescent phenomena. This night is called the Night of Illumination, occuring every 21 Jambouian days. People gather around the Expa Tree, which has been alive for Millenia. Behind it, the eclipse stands atop Ruxus peak in the Vesreya mountain range, the largest mountain range in Jambouis. This is a time for introspection, mourning of lost loved ones, and unification of community. Solplex's reveal when Bixtrus moves out of the way represents a rebirth of sorts, a chance to start anew through self-improvement and acts of service, seen as a way to honor Expa and to demonstrate one's devotion to the divine.


The Jambouian government is a progressive anarcratic theocracy, wherein governance is decentralized and individuals possess the knowledge and sagacity to maintain social order without onerous regulation. The supreme ruler of Jambou is the divine Expa, though citizens are free to practice any faith. The government is overseen by a council of ten visionary individuals, all of whom are held to the same laws and standards as the general populace. You can see the entire constitution below:

XAE Constitution in Jambouscript
Xae Constitution English


Jambouians have a variety of traditions and world-wide events, the most notable of which is the Expa Games. Usually held near the Expa tree, the Expa games can be divided into the intellectual events and athlatic events. The intellectual events consist of events such as musical and artistic competitions, mathematics and science competitions, and quiz-bowl competitions. The athletic events have events like swimming, running, martial arts, soccer, xurrium surfing, elytrus, and areolus. The only events held in a different place are the last three aforementioned. They involve some sort of gliding on the xurrium-packed dense gas in the floating islands of V'Xa that allows people to surf on it, glide with wings in elytrus through obstacle courses, and fly with a pterodactyl-like animal tamed and controlled by a aerojockey. Below are the floating islands of V'Xa and the Expa soccer stadium.

Zoomed in map of Jambouis V'Xa, XAE, Rq'U, and Expa
Jambouis' floating islands of V'Xa
Expa Soccer Stadium in Jambouis

Understanding of the Natural World & Tech

Jambouians are the most advanced civilization in the entire Jambouian gigaverse (all of space). Their understanding of math, science and the natural world allows them to do things such as create spacecrafts that travel at lightspeed by bending the very fabric of spacetime. The Jambouians' everyday technology has so far been used for good. However, threats across space seek to dethrone Jambouis and take their Xurrium reserves for their own use. However, Jambouis has remained the most advanced planet in all of existence.

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