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Astronomy & Geology
Jambouis in the context of its lunar and solar systems, as well as its coming of age.
Solar System

Solplex-32 was the first star of this dimension and the center of this solar system. A blue sun, two Earth astronomical units wide and with the luminosity of hundreds of Suns. Around it orbit a vast myriad of planets with their own lunar systems, many with life, Jambou being the most prominent.
Moon System

Jambouis' moon system is comprised of 7 moons and one submoon that orbits around one of Jambouis' largest moons. Each have been explored but only three of these orbiting bodies were ever permanently inhabited by the Jambouians.

Jambouis is a planet about two times the size of Earth with five major layers: Its core, gaseous layer, mineral layer, ocean, and crust islands. Its core is a proto sun, radiating with light and heat. It was taken from Solplex-32. Its gaseous layer was also from Solplex-32, but since the protosun core was so small, it wasn't stable enough to maintain high levels of heat for its surrounding gas. In this layer, the first microscopic life formed 4.5 million Earth years ago. Above its gaseous core, minerals and metallic elements cover the interior layers. Few pores in this layer allow light and heat to radiate through the planet. Above this rocky layer, a capsul of ocean with a chemical analog of water that is much denser than the water from Earth exists. This water is dense enough to suspend the crust islands, the continents that make up the land visible on the planet's surface. Its atmosphere is comprised of 3 atmospheric layers that make the planet habitable. Above, two rings made of this water were artificially created by the Jambouians to mitigate the planet's climate.
After a meteor hit the planet near the beginning of its existence, it introduced an element called Xurrium, which is extremely dense in its gaseous form and allows even small islands similar to the crust islands to float above it. In its liquid form, it is a nourishing substance that is extremely reactive and can be used as a valuable source of energy and destruction. In its solid form, it is a nearly indestructible metal that can be infused in clothes or tools to make them impenetrable. Its radioactive isotopes have unique magnetic fields that are highly reactive and dangerous if not handled correctly. This element provides the basis of life, both in biological organisms and man-made machinery.
Geographical Eras
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